While the entire nation of US is fighting against childhood obesity, we are having the reverse problem in our household. Sanjay is underweight and Sarath though not underweight could do with eating a few more calories to sustain himself through the day. I took Sanjay to his 3 year check up last month and the…
Category: Kids
Random Musings
The memorial day weekend – a glorious 3 day weekend was spent cleaning our house. We had planned on going somewhere but we were not able to get a hotel in the last minute and we cancelled it. The kids had a great time playing what ever they wanted and watching a bit too much…
Snippets from my week
This week went by so quickly that I almost hate it. Sarath’s school is closed today and Monday being memorial day, he gets a 4 day weekend. Since I don’t have to worry about getting lunch ready in the morning or getting Sarath ready for school, I get a 4 day weekend as well 🙂…
In Sarath’s class, they have a jar which is filled with different items each week and the kids have to guess the number of items in the jar. Then they count the items and the kids who guessed the closest get a prize. So, on Firday, I was talking to Sarath about his day and…
I am coming home from picking up Sanjay from the day care. He asked me if he can watch Curious George in the evening and I told him that he can watch it after Sarath is done with his homework. So, we come home, the kids eat snack and are ready to play. Sarath is…
The Whatif Monster
Yesterday Sarath’s school had some pajama and book party where they had a person named Michelle read a few books to the kindergarten kids. Michelle is an author and illustrator. She talked about how she listened to her heart and followed her dreams. It was interesting to see a room full of kindergarten kids sit…
Behavior Chart
A month ago Sarath was having trouble listening to us at home and also at school. We started getting notes from the teacher saying he was not paying attention and was not following instructions. We noticed that we were having the same problem at home. We had to give him multiple reminders for everything and…
Creative Dinner
This is what I did to get my little monsters to eat dinner 🙂 Alphabet Dosa  Planet Dosa’s
Reading to the rescue
Yesterday I had to take Sarath to the doctor just for a regular check up. I had to take Sanjay with me as well. The clinic has a big aquarium which the kids are fond of. They also have some books and puzzles and the kids keep themselves busy until we are called inside. Yesterday,…
Terrible two’s???
Today was one of those days where I wish I could put myself in a time out and only come out when the kids are in bed. Sanjay drove me crazy today. I am not sure if it is terrible two’s or something much worse. He woke up in the morning and started crying and…